dabur honitus

5 ways to calm a cough your pediatrician won’t tell you aboutLine

If you are a parent, there can be nothing more painful than seeing your child spend sleepless nights coughing. On an average, a child gets 9-10 episodes of cough a year. That may mean skipping school and other fun activities quite often. Staying curled up in bed than going out and playing with friends can hamper the growth years of a child. So as a parent what can you do to keep your child healthy and prevent him/her from falling sick often? Try these home remedies! Your first resort can be to go for natural and homemade remedies that can help boost the immunity of your child and also make sick days bearable for them. We have got you covered 5 easy do-it-yourself remedies that will calm your child’s harrowing hack and make him feel fresh and better the morning after.


1)  Steam things up: Steam helps ease chest and nose congestion making it easy for kids to cough it out. Using this method will not only help your child sleep better but also speed up his recovery. There are two ways of making your child take steam. Use a humidifier or a vapouriser to keep the air in the room moist and your child’s airways clear by loosening up the mucus. Or turn your bathroom into a sauna. Run the hot shower and let the child sit in the bathroom for 15 minutes before bed time.

2) A sweet treat for your sweety: A sweet treat during sickness can make your child perk up instantly and feel better. While chocolates and heavy cakes are not recommended you can still give your child a candy treat. Dabur Honitus Cough Drops are honey based cough remedy that tastes like a candy but works it magic like an effective cough preventing medicine. Available in lemon, ginger, menthol, mint and orange flavours, the cough drops are fortified with the richness of honey and powerful herbs that soothe throat irritation and provide relief from cough without any adverse effects.

Dabur Honitus Cough Drops

3)  Get relief with Honey: Honey is an age-old formula that works well in treating cough and its related symptoms across children and adults of all ages. Its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties helps in easing out the throat irritation and chest congestion thus relieving the child of any pain that he or she may experience while coughing incessantly. Half teaspoon of Dabur Honey in a glass of warm water can be fed to children between the ages of 2-5 years. For children over the age of 5 years the dosage of honey may be increased. Honey may help soothe the dry scratchy throat and relieve cough.


4)  Juice it up: Juices and liquids help ease out mucus filled coughs. If your child is sick it becomes all the more important for you to keep him or her hydrated. Serving up juices and liquids like soups and milk can work as an expectorant in helping to break up the mucus causing cough. Besides that when sick, the energy, nutrition and vitamins in juices and soups can help in speedy recovery of your child while providing the required amount of strength.


5)  Essential oil chest rub: An oil massage can help relieve chest and nasal congestion. If you do not want to use readily available petroleum jellies and vapo rubs, you can use an essential oil like sage oil or rosemary oil and mix it with Dabur Vatika Olive Oil and use it to rub on your child’s chest. Remember never to apply an essential oil directly on your child’s skin as it is sensitive and may get rashes or burns.


When treating a child, natural and home remedies work best as they are safe and cause no or minimum side effects. Dabur’s range of herb based cough remedies can be considered one of the best remedy that you can give your child. Dabur Honitus Cough Syrup is a honey based herbal syrup that tastes good, relieves cough and does not cause drowsiness.

Apart from this, Dabur Madhuvaani has the natural ingredients like sitopaladi, tulsi and honey that can help control cough, relieve throat irritation and help reduce chest congestion. These products can be used to combat symptoms of cough and cold in children of all ages.




• The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat your or your child’s problem without consulting a doctor.

• Dosage and directions for any mentioned product/ medicine should be as per given on the label.

Know Your Cough Remedies

  • Cough Remedy
  • Dabur Honitus Madhuvaani, Remedy for Cough and Cold Symptoms | Dabur Honitus
  • Dabur Honitus Hot Sip, Ayurvedic Cough & Cold Remedy | Dabur Honitus
  • Cough Lozenge
Dabur Honitus Cough Syrup

Cough Remedy

Dabur's Honitus Ayurvedic Cough Syrup provides effective relief from cough without causing drowsiness. Dabur Honitus Cough Syrup is Honey-based herbal cough syrup for adults that is fortified with Tulsi, Mulethi & Banapsha and other scientifically tested herbs.



  1. 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day


  1. 2 teaspoon 3-4 times a day
Dabur Honitus Madhuvaani

Dabur Honitus Madhuvaani, Remedy for Cough and Cold Symptoms | Dabur Honitus

Dabur Honitus Madhuvaani is a blend of age-old traditional cough formula which combines Sitopaladi churna with honey. It is premixed mixture provide effective relief from sore throat, cough and cold. It is a good anti allergic, expectorant and relieves congestion.



  1. ½ teaspoonful thrice a day.


  1. 1 teaspoonful thrice a day
Dabur Hot Sip

Dabur Honitus Hot Sip, Ayurvedic Cough & Cold Remedy | Dabur Honitus

Dabur Honitus Hot Sip is a unique blend of 15 powerful Ayurvedic herbs including Shunthi, Kantakari & Tulsi combined with honey to give you a potent and effective natural formulation for effective relief from cough & cold. Just stir it in hot water, drink & experience the goodness of Ayurveda.

Dabur Honitus Hot Sip can be used in ayurvedic treatment for cough and medicinal preparations as part of home remedies.



  1. As directed by physician


  1. 1 stick (4g) 2-3 times a day
Dabur Honitus Cough Lozenge

Cough Lozenge

Dabur Honitus Cough Drops come in a tasty candy form that provides effective relief from sore throat and cough without any adverse effects. It combines the goodness of Honey and other powerful herbs and is available in flavors like Honey Ginger, Honey Lemon, Honey Menthol, Honey Orange and Honey Mint. It may also help combating bad breath and is priced at Rs. 1 per candy.

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